The ‘env’ Flags and Session Options

This document explains how to configure ONNX Runtime Web, using the following methods:

The biggest difference between the two is that the ‘env’ flags are global settings that affect the entire ONNX Runtime Web environment, while session options are settings that are specific to a single inference session.


The environment flags (‘env’)


The environment flags are a set of global flags that can be used to configure the behavior of ONNX Runtime Web. They are accessible via the ort.env object:

import * as ort from 'onnxruntime-web';

// get the 'env' object
const env = ort.env;

These flags are usually required to be set before any inference session is created.

For more information, see API reference: Interface Env.


The env.debug flag is used to enable/disable the debug mode. When enabled, ONNX Runtime Web will do extra checks and logging to help diagnose issues. It is disabled by default.

// enable the debug mode
ort.env.debug = true;

For more information, see API reference: env.debug.


The env.logLevel flag is used to set the log level. It can be set to one of "error" | "verbose" | "info" | "warning" | "fatal". The default value is "warning".

// set the log level to 'verbose'
ort.env.logLevel = 'verbose';

For more information, see API reference: env.logLevel.


The env.wasm object contains flags that are used to configure the behavior of the WebAssembly instance.

For more information, see API reference: Interface WebAssemblyFlags.


The env.wasm.numThreads flag is used to set the number of threads that ONNX Runtime Web will use for model inference. This value includes the main thread.

The default value is 0, which means it will be determined by ONNX Runtime Web based on the environment. In browsers, it will be set to half of navigator.hardwareConcurrency or 4, whichever is smaller.

Setting it to 1 will force disable multi-threading. Otherwize, ONNX Runtime Web will perform a check for whether the environment supports multi-threading. Only when the browser supports WebAssembly multi-threading and crossOriginIsolated mode is enabled, multi-threading will be enabled. See Cross Origin Isolation Guide for more info.

// Disable multi-threading
ort.env.wasm.numThreads = 1;

For more information, see API reference: env.wasm.numThreads.


The env.wasm.proxy flag is used to enable/disable the proxy worker feature. It is disabled by default.

When the proxy worker is enabled, ONNX Runtime Web will offload the heavy computation to a separate Web Worker. Using the proxy worker can improve the responsiveness of the UI to improve the user experience, because the computation will not block the main thread.

// Enable proxy worker
ort.env.wasm.proxy = true;

However, there are some limitations when using the proxy worker:

  • The proxy worker cannot work with WebGPU EP. This is because a GPU buffer is not transferable. If you want to use WebGPU EP in a Web Worker, you can use importScripts() to import the ONNX Runtime Web library in the Web Worker.
  • The proxy worker cannot work in a Content Security Policy (CSP) restricted environment. This is because the proxy worker uses Blob to create a Web Worker, and the CSP may block the creation of the Web Worker.

For more information, see API reference: env.wasm.proxy.


The env.wasm.wasmPaths flag is used to override the WebAssembly binary file path. It can be used in 2 ways:

  • Set env.wasm.wasmPaths to a string as a path prefix.
    // Set the WebAssembly binary file path to jsdelivr CDN for a specific release version
    ort.env.wasm.wasmPaths = '';
  • Set env.wasm.wasmPaths to an object with keys as the WebAssembly binary file name and values as the path to the WebAssembly binary file.
    // Set separate WebAssembly binary file paths
    ort.env.wasm.wasmPaths = {
      'ort-wasm-simd.jsep.wasm': ''
      'ort-wasm-simd-threaded.jsep.wasm': '',

This flag is useful when the WebAssembly binary file(s) are not located in the same directory as the JavaScript code bundle. It is also useful when you want to use a public CDN to serve the WebAssembly binary file(s).

NOTE: Please make sure the the JavaScript code bundle and the WebAssembly binary file(s) are from the same build. Otherwise, ONNX Runtime Web will fail to initialize due to a mismatch of the minimized function names between the JavaScript code bundle and the WebAssembly binary file(s). This means you cannot use this feature to load the WebAssembly binary file(s) from a different version.

For more information, see API reference: env.wasm.wasmPaths.


The env.webgpu object contains flags that are used to configure the behavior of the WebGPU EP.

For more information, see API reference: Interface WebGpuFlags.

env.webgpu.device and env.webgpu.adapter

These 2 flags are used to get the WebGPU device and adapter after a WebGPU inference session is created.

The env.webgpu.adapter flag can also be used to set the adapter that will be used by the WebGPU EP before the first WebGPU inference session is created. It is useful when you want to use a specific adapter.

For more information, see API reference: env.webgpu.device and API reference: env.webgpu.adapter.

env.webgpu.powerPreference and env.webgpu.forceFallbackAdapter

These 2 flags are used to set the power preference and force fallback adapter for the WebGPU EP. They will be used when the WebGPU EP is initialized without any pre-configured adapter is set via env.webgpu.adapter.

For more information, see API reference: env.webgpu.powerPreference and API reference: env.webgpu.forceFallbackAdapter.


The env.webgpu.profiling flag is used to enable WebGPU profiling.

Please see WebGPU Profiling for more details.

For more information, see API reference: env.webgpu.profiling.

Session options


Session options are used to configure the behavior of a single inference session. They are passed to the InferenceSession.create() method.

For more information, see API reference: Interface InferenceSession.SessionOptions.


The executionProviders option is used to specify a list of execution providers that will be used by the inference session.

The following execution providers are available in ONNX Runtime Web:

  • 'wasm': The default CPU execution provider.
  • 'webgpu': The WebGPU execution provider. See WebGPU EP for more details.
  • 'webnn': The WebNN execution provider. See WebNN EP for more details.
  • 'webgl': The WebGL execution provider.
const mySession = await ort.InferenceSession.create(modelUrl, {
    // specify the EP list
    executionProviders: ['webgpu', 'wasm']

For more information, see API reference: executionProviders.


The externalData option is used to pass the external data information to ONNX Runtime Web. When a model’s weights are stored in external data files, you need to pass the external data information to ONNX Runtime Web. See External Data for more details.

For more information, see API reference: externalData.


The freeDimensionOverrides option is used to override the free dimensions of the model.

ONNX models may have some dimensions as free dimensions, which means that the model can accept inputs of any size in that dimension. For example, an image model may define its input shape as [batch, 3, height, width], which means that the model can accept any numbers of images of any size, as long as the number of channels is 3. However, if your application always uses images of a specific size, you can override the free dimensions to a specific size, which can be helpful to optimize the performance of the model. For example, if your web app always use a single image of 224x224, you can override the free dimensions to [1, 3, 224, 224] by specifying the following config in your session options:

const mySessionOptions = {
  freeDimensionOverrides: {
    batch: 1,
    height: 224,
    width: 224

For more information, see API reference: freeDimensionOverrides.


The enableGraphCapture option is used to enable graph capture feature. Currently, this feature is only available for WebGPU EP.

If ONNX Runtime determines that a model has static shapes, and all its computing kernels are running on the registered EP, it can capture the kernel executions in the first run and replay them in the following runs. This can lead to better performance when CPU sometimes is the bottleneck to prepare for the commands.

const mySessionOptions = {
  enableGraphCapture: true

Not all models are suitable for graph capture. Some models with dynamic input shapes can use this feature together with free dimension override. Some models just don’t work with this feature. You can try it out and see if it works for your model. If it doesn’t work, the model initialization will fail, and you can disable this feature for this model.

See API reference: enableGraphCapture for more details.


The optimizedModelFilePath option is used to specify the file path of the optimized model. In browsers, the value of this option is ignored. Instead, the a new tab is opened with the content of the optimized model as a blob, allowing the user to download and save the optimized model.

const mySessionOptions = {
  // specify this option to allow downloading the optimized model
  optimizedModelFilePath: 'optimized_model.onnx'

NOTE: This feature is not available by default. It requires to rebuild ONNX Runtime Web with the --cmake_extra_defines onnxruntime_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY_OUTPUT_OPTIMIZED_MODEL=1 command line option.

For more information, see API reference: optimizedModelFilePath.


The preferredOutputLocation option is used to specify the preferred location of the output data. It can be used to keep the output data on GPU for further processing. See Keep tensor data on GPU (IO binding) for more details.

For more information, see API reference: preferredOutputLocation.